I’m Kind Of A Big Deal…In A Store Near You!!

One of the best things about sharing my music with you is the feedback I get from listeners. For an artist like me who doesn’t have access to radio play, feedback is sometimes hard to come by and always appreciated.

There is a great website, based in Amsterdam, called Tribe of Noise. They are, first and foremost, about the music and the music community that they have created. They have also been very successful at in store placement for their artists throughout the world. Here in The U.S. CDBaby has placed several of my songs for in store placement all over the place!

It is a great way to get my music heard, since terrestrial radio play is nearly impossible for an unsigned artist like me to get.

What has been really cool about the song placement is the feedback I’ve been getting all over the internet, including comments on my youtube channel. People who hear the songs in stores, especially my song “She Walks Away,” have been searching for it online and finding it on youtube. They are leaving the best comments! Here are a few of them:

LeAnna Otis

“Found it!!! This plays at work (Walgreens) all the time, and I wanted to find it. Finally did! We all love the song, and bust out singing whenever it comes on. Customers and all!! Great song :)”


“aye this song is deep! I swear i wait on this to come on when i’m at work yo GREAT WORK LOVE IT”

Bob Chomos

“They play this song on the Safeway music network overnights and I had to find out who sang it. I love it! I’ll have to check out more songs from you!”


“Another Kroger employee here. We actually play a lot of good music there, evidently. May not be the kind of fame you want, but hey, you got fans.”

So, Thanks to Tribe Of Noise and CDBaby for getting my songs heard by people who would have never known to look for them and a big thanks to the people who are taking the time to find the songs and leave such great comments! Every time I get one, it makes my day!!

If you would like to check out all the songs on my most recent CD and leave your own comments you can by clicking here! You too can make my day!!

Yeah, I’m kind of a big deal! 🙂

Here is the “She Walks Away” Lyric Video


  • Yolanda says:

    Hi Phil, I received the 3 songs a really enjoyed them my husband love your guitar music.

    • Phil Dutra says:

      Thanks again! I am so happy that you are both enjoying the songs!! Feel free to spread the word!!

  • Lois Heichberger says:


    Yes, I like your music. And I am very picky… Especially when an artist is new to me. “Right Behind The Rain” was love immediately. And “She Walks Away” grew on me. By the 3rd ‘listen’, I was sold on your style, sound and lyrics. There was a 3rd song I found myself quite drawn to as well. Thank you. And thanx for asking!!!

  • Just wanted to say hello Phil!!!

  • Just wanted to say hello Phil!!!

  • I’m glad that I was able to talk to you for a little while tonight and I hope you are doing well Phil!I am excited about receiving the CDs that you’re going to send me and the shirt!I will be glad when I receive them! Take care my friend and at least I was able to listen to your songs on the digital albums before my phone messed up!God bless you Phil and I will keep inspiring you and I know you are going to be a great singers and possibly a superstar!!To me you are already all of these!!! Hope you have a great night and if you want to message me you can when you get a chance!!!You be sweet!!!

  • I’m glad that I was able to talk to you for a little while tonight and I hope you are doing well Phil!I am excited about receiving the CDs that you’re going to send me and the shirt!I will be glad when I receive them! Take care my friend and at least I was able to listen to your songs on the digital albums before my phone messed up!God bless you Phil and I will keep inspiring you and I know you are going to be a great singers and possibly a superstar!!To me you are already all of these!!! Hope you have a great night and if you want to message me you can when you get a chance!!!You be sweet!!!

  • Hi Phil I guess you wondered what happened to me.My mobile phone died and I have got to get me another one tomorrow! Anyway I haven’t been able to listen to the free digital tracks that you sent me because of my phone situation.I listened to all the others several days ago on the digital album on You tube!!Oh I will have the same phone number when I get my new phone situated.I am using my tablet for now! Hope you’re doing well and Phil I hope you didn’t think I was being too personal the other day when I was writing to you.i just want to help you and you are a great guy!and I just want to do all I can to help you and make your dreams come true!!I have missed talking with you and you take care of yourself and please keep in touch with me.You can still contact me on my tablet!You lift my spirits and I totally believe in you!You are one of a kind and Imean that in a good way!I’m looking forward to being able to go hear you perform one day!!I will always be in your corner cheering you on if that’s ok with you!!God blàess you and myphone should be working by tomorrow night!!I’m talking

  • I love all your songs Phil Dutra and you are so talented.Your voice is awesome and I feel like you are going to go to the top.I don’t understand why they haven’t already noticed your amazing talent.Well if you don’t mind I’m not going to let anyone forget about you and the amazing spin you put on your songs to make it yourown.You really rock Phil in my eyes and I don’t mean to get so personal and I know we’ve only known each other about 48 hrs.now and I will make sure your music is recognized!You deserve a lot more recognition than you are getting.Anyway I will keep you in my prayers concerning your music and pray for you too.Oh I never received the links Phil for the songs I dowloaded.My phone has been acting up and that could have been why.Istill want to purchase some of your CDs!Love your music and I’ve probably told you that a dozen times.Anyway hope you have a blessed night friend!Take care and keep on rocking!

  • Andrea says:

    I really liked your music I feel it will be on the radio soon.

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